The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud


The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud 2

The Interpretation of Dreams (Die Traumdeutung, 1899)

“The Interpretation of Dreams” (Die Traumdeutung) is one of Sigmund Freud’s most renowned and …

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Life history and famous works of Sigmund Freud


Sigmund Freud

Life history and famous works of Sigmund Freud 4

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was an Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis, a clinical method for treating mental disorders and understanding …

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Psychoanalytic Theory by Sigmund Freud


Psychoanalytic Theory

Psychoanalytic Theory by Sigmund Freud 6

Psychoanalytic theory, developed by Sigmund Freud, is a psychological framework that seeks to explain human behavior, personality development, and mental disorders. …

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31 functions in Morphology of the Folktale by Vladimir Propp


31 functions in Morphology of the Folktale by Vladimir Propp 8

Vladimir Propp (1895-1970)

Studied Russian and German philology

Studied the theory and history of Russianfolklore

Morphology of the Folktale (1928, Eng. Trans.1958)

Folktales are …

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Heteroglossia- concept by Mikhail Bakhtin


Heteroglossia- concept by Mikhail Bakhtin 10


Can be translated as “other-languageness”

A single, unitary language– Is actually comprised of a multiplicity of languages– Interacting with, often ideologically competing with, oneanother

“the indispensible prerequisite …

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Defamiliarization (Ostranenie)-key concept in Russian Formalism


Defamiliarization (Ostranenie)-key concept in Russian Formalism 12

Defamiliarization Ostranenie

Defamiliarization, also known as ostranenie, is a concept that originated within the Russian Formalist movement and was further developed by theorists such as …

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Prague Linguistic Circle (Prague School)- Russian Formalism

Prague School

Prague School

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OPOYAZ – Society for the Study of Poetic Language


Viktor Shklovsky


Founded in 1916

Russian acronym for the Society for the Study ofPoetic Language (Obshchevsto po izucheniyupoeticheskogo yazyka)

Formed at Petrograd (formerly St Petersburg) /Leningrad

Group of literary historians

Major theorists– Boris Eichenbaum– Viktor …

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Russian Formalism- important key concepts


Russian Formalism

Russian Formalism- important key concepts 16

Highly influential in post-Revolution Russia from the1910s to the 1930s

Following the Bolshevik Revolution, ViktorShklovsky published his essay “Art as Technique”– This was another intellectual …

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Life history and major works of IA Richards (1893- 1979)


Table of ContentsI.A. Richards- Literary CriticI.A. Richards- BiographyPrinciples of Literary CriticismThe Meaning of Meaning:Coleridge on ImaginationThe Philosophy of Rhetoric

I.A. Richards- Literary Critic

Life history and …

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